Queens Park / Bondi Junction
28-30 Bourke Street,
t. 9389 2650
e. gingerbread@kindergarten.net.au
Castle Hill / Kellyville
5-7 St Paul's Avenue,
t. 9634 6404
e. gingerbreadCH@kindergarten.net.au
New centres arriving in 2023
Melbourne Sunshine Coast Brisbane
early learning centre for children from 0 - 5 years

Providing childcare / including long day care and preschool for children between the ages of 0 to 5 years
We warmly welcome you to our Boutique, family owned and operated Gingerbread Kindergarten.
Our team of educators aim to provide a quality early childhood and preschool program, which promotes in children the desire to learn, engages their curiosity and helps them develop skills to explore and learn from their environment.
At Gingerbread Kindergarten we aim to provide quality child care in a safe, stable, happy and nurturing environment, promoting physical, social, emotional and cognitive development of the children in our care while responding to each and every child's individual needs. We welcome family involvement at all times and believe it strengthens the links between the home and kindergarten.
our kindergarten program

The most important goal of our early childhood program is to help children become enthusiastic learners. This means encouraging children to be active and creative explorers who are not afraid to try out their ideas and to think their own thoughts. Our goal is to help the children become independent, self-confident, inquisitive learners. We are teaching them how to learn.
We have one of the best school readiness programmes available, taught by experienced educators in a homely, family environment - where kids can be kids!
Our educators use the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia – Belonging, Being and Becoming as the foundation of our program and curriculum. This describes the principles, practices and outcomes that support and enhance young children’s learning from birth to six years of age, as well as their transition to school.
Play is the work of early childhood.
Play provides the foundation for academic learning. It is the preparation children need before they learn highly abstract symbols such as letters and numbers. Play enables us to achieve the key goals of our curriculum.
At Gingerbread Kindergarten, we use a method of programming that is responsive to individual children’s needs, and based on a thorough understanding of young children and their stages of development.
The process begins with teachers observing children each week, recording their observations under a specific developmental area (i.e. social/emotional, physical, cognitive and language).
Although programmed for an individual child’s needs, it is also beneficial for the whole group, and all the children have an opportunity to participate in a variety of experiences.
At the end of the week, the teacher will evaluate the objectives that were set, and record their findings. This information is then used in conjunction with the following week’s planning. The program planning cycle then begins again.
Please note that these developmental records are available for discussion with parents.
Also, the weekly program is on display in the parents’ information area.
The program is designed to:
Develop a feeling of self-worth and high self-esteem
Develop positive attitudes towards learning
Develop a caring attitude towards other people and the environment
Develop language and communication skills
Develop skills and knowledge in all areas of the curriculum.
The activities we plan for children, the way we organise the environment, select toys and materials, plan the daily routine, and talk with the children, are all designed to accomplish the goals of our curriculum and give your child a successful start in school.

extra curricular activities

In addition the above Kindergarten program, our children are provided with extra- curricular activities including yoga, drama, planting vegetables and learning about their natural environment. We also have weekly classes provided by professionals such as music, sport and Spanish as a second language.

contact us
28-30 Bourke Street,
Queens Park / Bondi Junction
t. 9389 2650
e. gingerbread@kindergarten.net.au
5-7 St Paul's Avenue,
Castle Hill / Kellyville
t. 9634 6404
e. gingerbreadCH@kindergarten.net.au

My family visited Gingerbread Kindergarten when it first opened. Initially we had reservations due to it being a new centre but as soon as we entered the building, we were made to feel incredibly welcome! The Centre Manager, Niyati has a warm, gentle nature and the rest of her team are all very similar. My daughter Tallulah had to start daycare earlier (10 months) due to me requiring surgery and with limited support with us being from the UK, I was worried about how she would transition. She absolutely loves going to the daycare, the nurturing staff, and their openness to adapting to our daughters needs as and when they evolve. Her development has progressed significantly. The daycare Centre offers wonderful facilities and once the outdoor is completed, it will easily become the best Centre in the area. Sadly, we are departing Australia to return to the UK, but we will be so sad to say goodbye to Gingerbread Kindergarten and their wonderful staff!
We’d had a few daycare experiences before moving our eldest daughter to Gingerbread. We now have 2 daughters in the Kangaroo room. The place we’d been before had all of the bells and whistles - daily individualised iPad stories, very high quality education programs and brand new facilities. But the one thing that was missing was a consistent and connected staff. When I first toured Gingerbread I knew that it was the right place for us. The staff had all been there for 10+ years. From day one the vibe of the centre, set by all of the staff, was one of kindness, genuine care and nurture. The educators have taken the time to get to know our children, their interests, their likes and dislikes. They have recognised their individual strengths and helped my elder daughter build confidence in her social skills and my younger to adopt more discipline. The child centred approach to learning always sees them engaged and they have built a wonderful general knowledge through following a spark of interest from the group. I love their firm but fair approach. Since we first started, the centre has been bought and seen many upgrades, which have all been welcome and wonderful additions. But when someone asks me about our daycare centre, it’s always the staff that I focus on. We feel very lucky to have our daughters under their care!